Healthcare Professions

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The Lee Col­lege Healt­hcare Pro­fes­sions path­way is for stud­ents who plan to comp­lete pre­requi­sites for any al­lied health pro­grams in the Hous­ton Metro­poli­tan re­gion and beyond.

The cour­ses in this plan will trans­fer to many col­leges and uni­versi­ties for al­lied health-re­lated selec­tive admis­sions pro­grams such as Res­pira­tory Care Tech­nology, Ultra­sound Tech­ni­cian (Sono­graphy), Physi­cal Ther­apy Assis­tant, Phar­macy Tech­nician, etc.

Stu­dents should work with their ad­vi­sors to tai­lor course selec­tions to align with their cho­sen allied health program.

What Will I Learn?

The courses in this plan includes common allied health-related prerequisites, such as Anatomy and Physiology, General Psychology, Mathematics, English Composition, as well as the general Texas core curriculum to help prepare a student for success in their chosen allied health program.

What Can I Do with This Course of Study?