Common Grounds Student Lounge

A collage of scenes from the student lounge, including furniture and artwork.
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The Common Grounds Student Lounge is a small, student-centered lounge located on the first floor of Rundell Hall, room 107A, near the cashier's office. A subset of the Student Success and Belonging Department, the Common Grounds was created to provide a safe and comfortable area for gathering, studying, and relaxing, and to connect students to the college's many resources.

The Common Grounds offers free refreshments, comfortable furniture, and a rotating selection of books available for checkout, provided by the Lee College Library.

Student organizations are welcome to reserve the space for meetings or events with ample warning time. For reservations and other questions/information, email Emily Gomez at or call Lee College at 281.427.5611 and dial extension 6840.

  • Capacity: 8-12 people
  • Hours: Mon.-Thu.: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Fri.: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.

(Lounge hours may change because of events, commitments, and other outside factors.)