CAAC Minutes: 2015-07-07

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CAAC Meeting

July 7, 2015 – 2:00 pm

Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Joseph Queyquep, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Charles Thomas, Karen Guthmiller, Jim Dobberstine, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Bo Aguilar, Rosemary Coffman, Daria Willis, Joe Ganakos, Rod Hellyer

Members Absent: Doylean Sprauve, Stewart Edwards, Tex Woodall, Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Layton Childress, Sharon Lockett

Purpose of this meeting is suspended business from last meeting. Last meeting conducted by Paul Arrigo in Dr. Gos’ and Joe Ganakos’ absence.

Joe Ganakos is new chair for CAAC. Goal is to keep meetings at an hour. Will now be compulsory for appropriate documentation to be submitted into system with Curriculum Maintenance Requests of any sort and not handed out at meetings. Too many mistakes are slipping through. Moving forward, a set of revised instructions will be distributed.

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Old Business. There is no old business.
  3. New Business
    1. Steven Saunders
      1. Change Degree/Certificate Plan: Computer Maintenance Technology (732, 733, 734)
      2. Steven Saunders not present. Will revisit later in sequence.
      3. Item revisited. Steven Saunders not present. Proposal made to put a Conditional Table on #732-#734 for later email vote. No objections. Motion made by Vicki Hart, seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
      4. Steven Saunders arrived and item revisited. Initiator, Vicki Hart removed items from table.
      5. Maintenance requests #732-#734 presented together. Proposal made by Steven Saunders to change course sequencing. Motion made by Vicky Hart, seconded by Charles Thomas. Discussion: question raised about IMED from 3rd to 2nd semester but is not offered all year. Motion to table suggested for all three requests until moves clarified. Motion made by Vicky Hart, seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion tabled.
    2. Presented by Andy Miller for Gordon Lee
      1. Change/Update Course Description for ENGL 1301T (736). Proposal to add sentence to existing course description for ENGL 1301T to differentiate it from ENGL 1301. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller, seconded by Howard Bushart. Discussion: Rosemary Coffman asked if prerequisites met to move on to 1302. Answer is yes. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update Degree Plan for American Studies (737). Proposal to add parenthetical description “Offered through the Human Condition” after HUMA 1301 to be consistent with everything on list. Motion made by Paul Arrigo, seconded by Charles Thomas. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Miscellaneous Change to Mexican American Studies (738). Proposal to add parenthetical “Folklore” to bulleted list in Area of Concentration for ENGL 2341. Motion made by Howard Bushart, seconded by Paul Arrigo. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Miscellaneous Change to Area of Concentration: English (739). Proposal to change all four English Areas of Concentration contact name from Dr. Lee to Dr. Jeff Clayton. Motion made by Paul Arrigo, seconded by Charlotte Mueller. No discussion. Motion carried.
      5. Miscellaneous Change to Humanities (740, 741). Typo on #740 should read Contact for Area of Concentration Literature not Contact for Humanities: #741 is the change request for Humanities. Question asked whether that needs to be corrected in system or can it be addressed now. Committee agreed to accept change – minutes will show amended change.
      6. Motion made for #740 by Karen Guthmiller, seconded by Charles Thomas. No discussion. Motion carried. Motion made for #741 by Karen Guthmiller, seconded by Howard Bushart. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Miscellaneous Change to Mexican American Studies (742). Proposal to change contact for Mexican American Studies from Dr. Gordon Lee to Dr. Jeff Clayton. Motion made by Howard Bushart, seconded by Paul Arrigo. No discussion. Motion carried.
    3. Ann Ivey
      1. Change/Update Course Requisite for HITT 2160 (743). Removing prerequisite of MRMT 1307 from HITT 2160. This course and MRMT certificate has been previously approved for deletion. Motion made by Howard Bushart, seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Discussion: This will be effective for Fall 2015 semester. Motion carried.
    4. Charlotte Mueller
      1. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1116 (745)
      2. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1117 (746)
      3. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2116 (747)
      4. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2117 (748)
      5. Curriculum Maintenance Request #s 745-748 (d. i.-iv.) are presented together to address prior approvals of course description changes that included course hour distribution errors. Request to revert to existing lecture/lab hours in 2014-2015 catalog as they are correct and did not change. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller, seconded by Rod Hellyer. Discussion: error made on initial data entry. Motion carried.
    5. Harold Martin
      1. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 1120 (749)
      2. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 1121 (750)
      3. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 1341 (751)
      4. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 1342 (752)
      5. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 2120 (753)
      6. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 2121 (754)
      7. Curriculum Maintenance Request #s 749-754 are presented together to address prior approvals of course description changes that included course hour distribution errors. Request to revert to existing lecture/lab hours as in 2014-2015 catalog as they are correct and did not change. Motion made by Paul Lucke, seconded by Howard Bushart. No discussion. Motion carried.
      8. Change/Update Course Description for DRAM 2189 (755)
      9. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours for DRAM 2189 (756)
      10. Curriculum Maintenance Request #s 755 & 756 presented together by Paul Lucke. These requests are being withdrawn as they were entered incorrectly and ACGM has eliminated DRAM 2189 and will be replacing it with DRAM 2389. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller, seconded by Charles Thomas. Prerequisites stay the same. Motion carried.
    6. Jim Dobberstine
      1. Change/Update Degree Plan for Physical Science (744).
      2. Proposal to remove CHEM 1411 from Physics AOC and add MATH 2318 to comply with state mandated 60 SCH requirement. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller, seconded by Charles Thomas. No discussion. Motion carried.
    7. Meeting Times for 2015/2016.
      • It was agreed that meeting dates would remain the same for upcoming year but time would change to 2:30 to accommodate those teaching classes. 60-90 minutes will be our goal for meeting duration. Location will remain the same.
      • One other issue not on agenda – Speech Communication secretary has resigned so there is no official CAAC secretary. Jodi Rodriguez will serve as interim secretary if CAAC is amenable. Because it is an interim issue, it does not require a vote or bylaw change. No objections were raised.
      • Discussion about possibility of summary report for maintenance requests. Will plan on meeting with Troy, Joe Ganakos, Paul Lucke, Dalia and Jodi to discuss changes/requests.
  4. Open Forum
    • Andy Miller asked about who makes changes in system that were approved. Those changes will be taken care of at CAAC level.
    • Paul Allen raised issued about Curriculum Maintenance Request entry training. It was suggested that chairs and secretaries are the smartest choice for training to provide two points of contact for each division. Will check with Troy. Poor attendance when training was held during Professional Development week previously. It was also suggested that CAAC delegates attend training as well.
    • Debate team will be moving to Debate Suite – JBH 107 and 108. Actively seeking debate recruits.
    • Meeting adjourned for Summer 2:45

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System

Submitted by: Jodi Rodriguez, Interim CAAC Secretary

Approved by: Joe Ganakos, CAAC Chair

Area Committee Member
Huntsville Center Paul Allen
Allied Health Howard Bushart
Nursing Doylean Sprauve
Business Technology Angela Noack
Computer Technology Vicky Hart
English/Humanities Andy Miller
Process Technology
Kinesiology, Athletics, Wellness Karen Guthmiller
Math, Engineering, Science Tia Hall
Social & Behavioral Sciences Stewart Edwards
Technical Studies Tex Woodall
SACS Representative Cathy Kemper
Visual & Performing Arts Charlotte Mueller
Library Paul Arrigo – Vice Chair
Counseling Bo Aquillar
Assoc. Dean, Student Affairs Rosemary Coffman
Dean, Academic Studies Daria Willis
Dean, Applied Sciences Layton Childress
Speech, Languages and Teacher Education Joe Ganakos – Chair
Developmental Education Sharon Lockett
Industrial Studies Rod Hellyer