CAAC Minutes: 2016-10-18

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CAAC Minutes October 18, 2016

Members Present:

Paul Allen, Doylean Sprauve, Vicky Hart, Charles Thomas, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edwards, Charlotte Mueller, Rosemary Coffman, David Jaroszewski, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos, Sharon Lockett (Ingrid Wallace), Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present:

Howard Bushart, Keith Coleman, Andy Miller, Jim Dobberstine, Tex Woodall, DeDe Griffith, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, and David Sholmire

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Minutes to the September 20, 2016 meeting were approved unanimously.
  2. Informational Items
    1. Scott Bennett
      Nothing to present at this meeting.
    2. David Jaroszewski
      1. Dean Childress, DeDe Griffith, Paul Allen and Dr. Jaroszewski along with some others will be attending a Guided Pathways Conference in Bastrop, TX. At some point you will start seeing some suggestions for some discussions that this group (CAAC) may need to be having around what is shared.
      2. When should the Committee convene to look at the Core? It will be in conjunction with what will be done with the Pathways Conference information.
  3. Old Business
    1. Charlotte Mueller
      1. Miscellaneous: Consideration of adding MUSI 1301 to Core (1005)
        1. Tabled from September Meeting
          At the last Field of Study Advisory meeting Dr. Mueller attended they had a list of courses they planned to discontinue. One of them is the MUSI 1301 which will leave MUSI 1303, which is to be brought forward later in the meeting for proposal for Core Curriculum.
          Since (1005) & (1034) overlap one another, (1034) needs to be brought up to the front and provide with (1005) & (1034) together. No objections to moving (1034).
          Consideration of adding MUSI 1303 to Core (1034)
          MUSI 1303 already exists, just needs to be designated as Core and MUSI 1301 is being removed by the State. These changes will be in effect for 2017-18 academic year.
          Each item needs to be taken separately.
          Steward Edwards motioned to approve (1034); seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion passes unanimously.
          MUSI 1301 (1005) is to be withdrawn.
  4. New Business
    1. Gregory Lattier
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Business – Marketing (1001)
      2. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Business – Entrepreneurship (1002)
        Paul Allen proposed to table (1001) & (1002) until the November meeting. Dr. Lattier is proposing to add IMED 2315 a Web Design II course that also has a pre-requisite of IMED 1316. There needs to be more discussion on that and that it does impact Huntsville. Huntsville offers the same Certificate and Degree. There may be issues of having to buy new textbooks; software; is it an Internet based course that requires a website. There needs to be a meeting for not only these two certificates but also for the two or three that do not have sufficient hours to qualify for Pell Grant funding. (They are 15 hours instead of 16 hours.) The solution may be to go back and add that we need to add an additional course to those two or three certificates and also consider if there is an opportunity to put an either/or course in here that will work for campus as well as Huntsville.
    2. Lauren Grous
      1. Change/Update SCH: Engineering Mechanics – Statistics (1004)
        Tabled until November meeting.
    3. Samuel Ortallano
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Sound Reinforcement Technology (1006)
        Karen Guthmiller motioned to change the Degree/Certification Plan; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        This is not a mandated change. It is essentially three related courses that are having trouble making, they all cover the same topics, so they are all going to combined all the students into the same class even though they are working on different certificates. Essentially making a “Pool” official. They have the same credit hours. It impacts the certificate by reducing it by 3 credit hours.
        Motion passed unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Course Requisite: MUSC 1331 (1007)
        The removal of a pre-requisite MUSI 1301 or 1311 to a course MUSI 1331 that was removed. The effective date was left blank, it will be Fall 2017.
        Karen Guthmiller motioned to approve; seconded by Vicki Hart. Motion passed unanimously.
    4. Charles Ganze
      1. Replace Course: ITCC 1475 to ITCC 1414 (1009)
      2. Replace Course: ITCC 1476 to ITCC 1440 (1010)
      3. Replace Course: ITCC 2478 to ITCC 2412 (1011)
      4. Replace Course: ITCC 2479 to ITCC 2413 (1012)
        These Course changes are mandated changes and only effect the numbers of the courses.
        Rod Hellyer made a combined motion to approve; seconded by Vicki Hart. Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Rod Hellyer
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: AS in Welding (1013)
        Moving TECM 1341 from the first semester down to the second semester and make it an and/or with TECM 1349.
        Stewart Edwards made motion to approve; seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: AS in Welding (1014)
        Replacing TECM 1341 with a WLDG 1323 safety class in the first semester in the Degree only.
        Vicki Hart made motion to approve; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. (1015) – REMOVED PER HELLYER
      4. (1016) – REMOVED PER HELLYER
      5. Discontinue Course Deg/Cert: MCHN 1316 (1017)
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      6. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (1018)
        MCHN 1391 to replace MCHN 1316 in the Degree/Certificate.
        Dr. Charlotte Mueller made motion to approve; seconded by Stewart Edwards.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      7. Discontinue Course Deg/Cert: MCHN 2441 (1019)
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Vicki Hart.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      8. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (1020)
        MCHN 2412 to replace MCHN 2441 in the Degree/Certificate.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    6. Jennifer Herzberg
      1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARTS 2324 (1021)
      2. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARTS 2327 (1022)
      3. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARTS 2334 (1023)
      4. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARTS 2349 (1024)
        ACGM mandated discontinued for Spring 2017 and not going to be funded in the Fall 2017.
        Rod Hellyer made motion to approve (1021 – 1024); seconded Dr. Charlotte Mueller.Motion passes unanimously.
      5. Change/Update Course Requisite: ARTS 1321 (1025)
        ARTS 1311 and ARTS 1312 are independent and do not rely on being taken sequentially.
        Stewart Edwards made motion to approve; seconded by Rod Hellyer.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      6. Change/Update Course Requisite: ARTS 2323 (1026)
        Pre-requisite ARTS 1317 not needed for ARTS 2323.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      7. Change/Update Course Requisite: ARTS 2348 (1027)
        Prerequisites not needed for ARTS 2348.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Stewart Edwards.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      8. Miscellaneous: Course Name Change for ARTS 2356 (1035)
      9. Miscellaneous: Course Name Change for ARTS 2357 (1036)
        Combine (1035 & 1036)
        ACGM defines ARTS 2356 as “Photography I (Fine Art Emphasis)” our Catalog does not. The same is true for ARTS 2357; we refer to it as “Advanced Photographic Practices” and ACGM defines it as “Photography II (Fine Art Emphasis)”.
        Vicki Hart made motion to approve; seconded by Rod Hellyer.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    7. Sarah Tidwell
      1. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Prior Learning (1028)
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Vicki Hart.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Dev Grade Scheme (1029)
        Stewart Edwards made motion to approve; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Grade Scheme (1030)
        Rod Hellyer made motion to approve; seconded by Dr. Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Grade Change (1031)
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Rod Hellyer. There needs to be a notation of exceptions statement included. Karen Guthmiller made motion to table; seconded by Vicki Hart.
        Motion to table (1031) passes unanimously.
      5. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Resignation Policy (1032)
        Stewart Edwards made motion to approve; seconded by Vicki Hart.
        Motion failed.
      6. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Drops during Drop Period (1033)
        Rod Hellyer mad motion to approve; seconded Karen Guthmiller.
        Motion passes unanimously
    8. Charlotte Muller
      1. Miscellaneous: Consideration of adding MUSI 1303 to Core (1034)
        This item (1034) was addressed with item (1005).
  5. Open Forum
    Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.