QEP Meeting Minutes - 3/29/2017

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QEP Update: March 2017

The last formal meeting was held on 1/9/17. This meeting discussed the pilot data and the 266 responses from the Fall 2016 pilot. Most of the data has been compiled, but the data for the career intent won’t be collected until the end of the Spring 2017 term. The information on FTIC GS4 and UN 1/UN2 students will be collected at that time so that the timeline matches the baseline data.

Additional information discovered from the pilot:

  • There are some bugs in Campus2Careers, but many of those are worked out or in the process of being worked out. All students with the exception of Impact have access to C2C and we are working on that issue.
  • Degree plans for Lee College are working now in C2C. The next step we are working with C2C to offer more degree plans for our transfer colleges.
    Additional Information learned from the surveys:
  • The added open-ended responses offered insight on the student thoughts of the course and instructors. Many expressed their appreciation of the course along with the skills learned in the course.
  • Many students articulated a concern of the LSSS course not being a credit course. They thought it was valuable and they should get some credit for the course.
    Additional Information perceived from Team Advising Components:
  • Developmental Education Counselor Course Meeting was completed in most Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 courses. In some cases there are some conflicts with scheduling, in these cases, the instructor reminds the students of the counselor and her role in helping them to be successful along with the counselor’s office location, email, phone number, and hours. Hours and meeting dates and times are given to the student for each course as to their individual meeting with the Counselor.
  • We have run a few test courses on a Strengths Quest Coaching program (administered by Vera Walker) in some of the courses. The goal of this is to focus on studying and developing areas of strength rather than focusing on weaknesses to prevent failure. Studies have shown 7.8% increase in productivity and retention of students completing this workshop. We plan to follow this group through and up to graduation to determine if the effect is similar at Lee College.
  • Freshman Follow-up-we re-visited the online course and how we could use it to our advantage in reporting data and student completion. After a revision it was determined that we would
    • Add a question on quiz that indicates whether the student has completed C2C profile. This will give us data on whether the student has completed the profile in the Blackboard format that is easy to extract and monitor. This is something we were having difficulty tracking.
    • Add lecture materials and quiz question on major change-whether student is ready to change degree plans. If the student is ready to do this, a prompt is given as to the next steps of making an appointment with the advisor to make this change.
    • This was done due to an addition of the advisor speaking to each class, each semester on the services, C2C, and degree changes. It is also part of the Freshman Follow-up, but more emphasis is being placed on the classroom visit for degree changes and C2C.
    • This new process will help to streamline the reporting and student interaction process.