Safety and Security Committee Minutes: 2017-1002

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Safety and Security Meeting

October 2, 2017


Captain Velez, Karen Seratt, Mark Jaime, Daniel Christie, Marti Covington

  • Campus Carry – No major issues have come up since the initial change
  • Campus Emergency Phones – Some are down and IT is currently working to get the phones working again. Two new ones have been installed inside the nursing facility.
  • Effective September 1, 2017 – There was a change in the law that allows for knives with blades over five inches to be carried, however not allowed in schools or educational institutions. Further information can be found in Section 5.46.03 of the Penal Code.
  • The campus bulbs that are out should all be changed be 100% complete by the weekend. If there happen to be any power surges maintenance will reset the timers as well as reset them when daylight savings time happens.


  • A bike rack is needed for the front of ATC, Bonner Hall and Brit Hall. Mark will go ahead and look into purchasing and placing them.

Concerns after the Hurricane:

  • There are still items left in the racquetball court and no one has claimed the items. Baytown will not come and get them. We are currently trying to donate them to area shelters or churches.
  • While we were acting as a shelter; we did not have enough security on campus to properly cover all areas. The main concerns were the showers. The city of Baytown did not send an officer to assist in patrolling and maintaining safety while we had the community in our gym.
  • There were problems with people drinking and doing drugs.
  • We need a definite procedure of the exact steps to take during a natural disaster so that the staff can be ready.
  • There needs to be a team put together (storm riders) who will stay at the school during these types of situations.