Adult Learning

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A partnership between Harris County Department of Education's Adult Basic Education and Lee College offers the community a path to education and careers. The Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program assists adults in obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for work, further education, family self-sufficiency, and community involvement. High School Equivalency (HSE) — formerly known as General Education Development (GED) — classes are held at the Adult Learning Centers.

Students are required to attend a student orientation in which a test assessment will be provided.

FREE! English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes Morning or Night

Eligibility Requirements:

  •  Must have photo ID
  •  Must have good attendance
  •  Must attend in-person registration
  • Registration and orientation may take up to three hours

Registration and classes in person at Baytown Learning Center (@Lee College) 101 S. Whiting St. Baytown, TX 77520

Email: Include name and phone number.

For information, call 713.692.6216
Clases de Ingles ¡GRATUITAS! Mañana o Noche

Requisitos de Eligibilidad

  • Necesita tener una identificación
  • Necesita tener buena Asistencia
  • Necesita asistir Registracion en Persona
  • Registracion y Orientación pueden tomar hasta 3 horas

Registracion y Clases en persona en Baytown Learning Center (@Lee College) 101 S. Whiting St. Baytown, TX 77520

Correo Electronico: Incluya su nombre y numero.

Para mas información llame al 713.692.6216.

Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County (LCEC)
1715 TX-146, Liberty, TX 77575, 832.556.5660

Adult Learning Center (ALC)
101 S Whiting St., Baytown, TX 77520, 281.425.6536
Student orientations are held throughout the year. Call for more information.

Adult Basic Education/Literacy (Free)
Adult Secondary Education/GED/HSE (Free)
English as a Second Language (ESL) (Free)
Ingles Como Segundo Idioma (ESL) (Gratis)