CAAC Minutes: 2022-02-15

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CAAC Minutes —  Feb. 15, 2022

Members Present: Paul Allen; Howard Bushart; David Jaroszewski; Vicky Hart; Karen Guthmiller; Roshele Friudenberg; Ed Korzetz; Douglas Walcerz; Heather Morrill; Dana Woods; Dometrius Hill; John Elliott; Joe Ganakos; and Samantha Johnson

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. January 2022 Minutes
    2. John Elliott motioned; Steven Sanders seconded.
      Motion passes unanimously.

  2. Officer Reports
    1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
      There is a new proposal that came in today for HIST 2327 and HIST 2328. We will do an email vote over the next week. These two classes will be added to the 2022-23 Catalog.
    2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Samantha Johnson
      Not in attendance.

  3. Informational Items - Administration
    1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
      We have approved three new programs, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing and Solid Instructor. These will go to the Board next Tuesday and after that it is SACS substantive change time. All three have at least 50% new content. The SACS deadline will be sometime in June if we want SACS approval by August. It is just informational.
    2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill
      Nothing to share.
    3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
      IT preformed an upgrade on PeopleSoft last week. Still working on some issues.
    4. Registrar: Carl Husband
      Jamie Holloway is now our Assistant Registrar. is now
    5. Assoc. Dean of Student Life: Rosemary Coffman
      Not in attendance
    6. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
      Not in attendance

  4. Old Business

  5. Informational Items – New Business

  6. New Business
    1. John Elliot
      1. New Course: MCHN 2431 (1660)
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Replace Course (1727)
        Informational Item
      3. Misc.: DFTG 1409 (1728)
      4. Misc.: DFTG 1417 (1729)
      5. Misc.: DFTG 1433 (1730)
      6. Misc.: DFTG 2407 (1731)
      7. Misc.: DFTG 2408 (1732)
      8. Misc.: DFTG 2419 (1733)
      9. Misc.: DFTG 2428 (1734)
      10. Misc.: DFTG 1430 (1735)
      11. Misc.: DFTG 2432 (1736)
      12. Misc.: DFTG 2435 (1737)
      13. Misc.: DFTG 2445 (1738)
      14. Misc.: DFTG 2457 (1739)
      15. Misc.: DFTG 2423 (1740)
        (1728 – 1740) Consent Agenda
        Course description update
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Shari Carter
      1. New Course: IBUS 1300 (1647)
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Logistics & Supply Chain Technology AAS (1674)
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; David Jaroszewski seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    3. Donna Zuniga
      1. Misc.: Reactivate HART 1441 (1723)
      2. Misc.: Reactivate HART 2434 (1724)
        Taken in totem
        John Elliott made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. New Course: HART 1356 (1725)
        John Elliott made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    4. William Walker
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: CIS Security/Information Assurance (1741)
        Roshele Friudenberg made motion; John Elliott seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
      2. New Course: ITSY 2359 (1742)
      3. New Course: ITSY 2387 (1743)
        Vicki Hart made motion; Howard Bushart seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Change/Update SCH: ITSY 1442 (1744)
      5. Change/Update SCH: ITSY 2441 (1745)
      6. Change/Update SCH: ITSY 2442 (1746)
      7. Change/Update SCH: ITSY 2430 (1747)
        Taken in totem
        Vicki Hart made motion; John Elliott seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      8. New Degree/Certificate: Cybersecurity Certificate of Completion (1748)
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; John Elliott seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Steven Saunders
      1. New Degree/Certificate: Cloud Computing (1749)
        Howard Bushart made motion; John Elliott seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. New Course: ITNW 1309 (1751)
      3. New Course: ITNW 2329 (1752)
      4. New Course: ITNW 1335 (1753)
      5. New Course: ITSTY 1372 (1754)
      6. New Course: ITSY 1372 (1755) – DUPLICATE ENTRY
      7. New Course: INTW 2427 (1756)
      8. New Course: INTW 1374 (1757)
        Taken in totem
        John Elliott made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.

  7. Open Forum

    Honors Day is April 26, 2022. Nomination deadline is the week after Spring Break.

    Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.